In my 'day job' I am often talked to about the stretch, and this got me to thinking. There are stretches every day in life some of which are normal and others are not, we all have things which we are more comfortable with and things which we aren't but we still sometimes have to 'stretch' ourselves to achieve them. At work it is normally around confrontation or putting myself forward as I tend to thrive in the back ground being quiet and getting on with things without fanfare which for a manager is strange I know we normally want to be in the forefront showing what we can achieve. Personally I prefer to empower my team to deliver the role for me without me having to wave a flag showing how great I am. Now strange I know for a Narrator to be talking about the stretch, but for me Narrating really is a stretch. If you think I prefer the back ground, the 'shadow' as it were and here I am narrating audiobooks and releasing them alongside the rights holders to t...
Well, I have now completed a second book called Pinnacle Solutions by Jon Castle which was very interesting with lots of twists and turns. It made me think about how we are all vulnerable to the world in which we exist connected as we are by the internet and computers, phones and the various other forms of digital communication which we have. It was fascinating how the story changed and morphed as it went on I would recommend it to anyone who likes that sort of the dark mystery which normally you associate with pre internet books but has been used so very well in a modern setting, hopefully it will be published and up for sale very soon. The Abbey has passed the Quality Control review by ACX so should be out very soon watch this space along with my facebook and twitter accounts for information about when this is available for purchase and I will keep you updated. I currently have approximately 20 auditions awaiting response from publishers and authors with the hope that the ...
Well it seems like forever since I have had time to write on this page to you all. I have been dealing with issues at home which have made me realise how important the basics of communication can be. From asking the simple questions like what is for dinner to the really important one 'how are you?'. This first one is one of desire, wants, and unimportant relevance, the second one is the one we should all pay attention to. It opens the door for that person to unburden both their mind and spirit and paying basic lip service to it means we are never truly there for the people around us; holding them at arms length and ticking a box to say we care and have 'touched base'. Never before was this shown to me until recent times when I realised how out of touch with my daughter I was and how far away I truly was from being there for her. All the tell tale signs which I had put down to her age, the quietness, staying in her room and not talking, the askin...
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