Busy Busy

Well, I have now completed a second book called Pinnacle Solutions by Jon Castle which was very interesting with lots of twists and turns.  It made me think about how we are all vulnerable to the world in which we exist connected as we are by the internet and computers, phones and the various other forms of digital communication which we have.  It was fascinating how the story changed and morphed as it went on I would recommend it to anyone who likes that sort of the dark mystery which normally you associate with pre internet books but has been used so very well in a modern setting, hopefully it will be published and up for sale very soon.

The Abbey has passed the Quality Control review by ACX so should be out very soon watch this space along with my facebook and twitter accounts for information about when this is available for purchase and I will keep you updated.

I currently have approximately 20 auditions awaiting response from publishers and authors with the hope that the next book will soon be in the works.  I have found this whole process so enjoyable and wish I had been doing it for years. Maybe a career change will be forth coming if I become popular and have a decent income from this but it is very early days to even be contemplating such things. 


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