
Showing posts from March, 2021

New production coming soon!

  A new book has been offered to me from the ACX platform to produce a new book for another author called  Elaina J. Davidson.  The book itself is called The sleeper sword, so this is great news another author employing me to produce there production is always a great feeling, can not wait to get started.  Link to her book on Amazon In other news I should be starting the next exciting episode in the Heavenly Realms series with Jonathan Goss.  This will be called Wayfarers and will give us an in depth view of Melphax who we all know and love and then also a relatively unknow character in Ural.  Both I am really excited about and can not wait for the development of the story going forward. Also the Black Fox would also be finished shortly and submitted for the ACX quality control checks ready for release.

The travellers League Book 5 The Black Fox

 Well I have been working on the next release in the Travellers League Series for Nick Goss, I must say I really am enjoying this one a Kraken and all its awesome.  I finally got a SSD drive for the computer and I must say it has made a huge difference to the speed and ability of the old computer to keep up.  I have also invested in a new CPU so fingers crossed the two combined blow me away with the speed which they work at!

Book Launch

  Well another launch has happened we now have The Pirates of Skuggi  available on Audible written by Nick Goss.  It is a fun book for children to listen to with Pirates, adventure, travel, mermen, monsters and everything rolled into one.  This was great fun to deliver for Nick. Link to the Audible store You can see Nicks Website and Twitter below Nick's Twitter Nick's Website


 Well its been a productive week all things considered.  I have finished recording Sturm and Drang by Jonathan Goss now just the editing journey to do with Act 3 then another book is completed.   Nick Goss has now brought me in to complete the next book in the series of the Travellers League which I think will be another fun journey as we embark with the Pirates of Skuggi to save the natural world from the Evil sea God Duppy. So all things being said things are developing nicely.  I currently have 10 books published and a further 2 still to come out so slowly building up a collection. I never realised the affect that being a narrator could have, for example authors changing the way in which they write a character due to an accent which I had given them.  Its great to hear the impact you can have on someone purely with the power of your voice. The pen is mightier than the sword, but is the voice mightier than the pen.  Now there is a question to contemp...

Sturm and Drang

  Well I am currently half through the first two acts of this next in the line of the Empyrean falling books by Jonathan Goss, it is another great addition to the series showing more of the detail into the war on Earth and bringing some great back story to some of the biblical actions which happened just as the story of Noah's ark. Really enjoying this one along with revisiting some great characters like Alrak Sivad, Melphax, Michael and Gabriel and bring new dimensions to two others those being Nuriel and Uriel and demonstrating how they fell from the previous Book Grey Aegis. Hope to have this done and up for approval by the middle of next week so hang on in there if you have enjoyed others in the series. You can get access to the series through amazon link below! Heavenly Realms Book series, and audiobooks


Latest release on audible for me!!!  See the link below to view in the store, but was an awesome one to work on lots of voices for different characters.  Also lets be honest any story with dragons, wizards, trolls and dwarfs in has got to be awesome beyond belief!

Time to hit it!

 Well truth be told I have really been struggling recently, my conditions have been flaring up which means I have less energy than normal so struggled to find time to record any of the book which I am currently working on. However mind of matter today and the book is being restarted and going to get done within the next week, no more giving in, time to get it done!

LiveStream was epic

 Had a great time on the live stream with both the authors, they are awesome guys and the questions really made me think hard as to what was going on. Currently have Heavenly Realms: Sturm and Drang in production aprox half way through at the moment and hope to have it all finished in the next week.   Also have some auditions lined up this evening so we shall see what is going to happen after that! Keep safe guys and will write soon. Promise