
Showing posts from February, 2021


 Oh by the way I will be taking part in a livestream on youtube tonight with two of the authors which I am working with on a couple of series of books. Jonathan Goss who writes the Heavenly Realms series Nick Goss who writes the travellers league series which is going to be being released relatively soon (just waiting on audible to authorise) Link to the channel below which the stream will be on: Heavenly Realms - YouTube Should be around the 10 to 11 pm this evening 28/2/2021 drop in if you want to see my ugly mug taking part in this! Narrator!

Been a While!!!!

 Hi guys definitely been a while since my last post.  Completely guilty about that one had some issues with mental health, especially with the current climate.  I am back shielding again and has several more narration projects in the mix............ links are below: The broken Legs of Warwick by Nick Goss An Unorthodox Cure by Jacy Morris Heavenly Realms Grey Aegis by Jonathan Goss Tryptich Codex By Jonathan Goss So I have been busy, along side some home schooling with the ki...